Jan. 26, 2022

A Protein Packed Picnic


Living out here in B.C, the outdoors are really where you want to be spending most of your time. Rain or shine, there is always somewhere you can go to enjoy the peace and quiet of nature. Between training sessions and on weekends, I frequently seek new trails to hike and beaches to explore. Vancouver Island is limitless with access to both. Even in the winter, where snow can lightly cover the ground, the changing seasons only add to the reasons you should enjoy the beauty around you, no matter the weather.

More often than not (or in my case, always), these outdoor adventures require food and a solid break. What better way to make the most out of your outdoor excursion than to bring a picnic! It does not have to be a lot, just enough of what you need to give you an energy boost to make it back! When I pack my picnics, I always bring a mix of things I know my body will need and things I know my taste buds will want. Thankfully, hard-boiled eggs are a protein rich snack that both my body and my taste buds will equally desire!

I also like to bring some trail mix of nuts, an apple and a compost cookie from Mosi for good measure (if you are from Victoria, you know what I am talking about here. If not, picture everything you could possibly want in a cookie, and add some more). Hard-boiled eggs are without a doubt the easiest thing to bring along and prepare, especially Burnbrae’s pre-shelled EGGS2go!. Tasty and super quick to eat, they really do make the ideal addition to your outdoor adventure. Next time you go for a hike, give this little picnic a try while you sit and enjoy nature. For inspiration on what to bring on your next picnic (if you are snack-y like me) I have listed below what I consider staples on my outdoor treks!

Take a deep breath, and soak it all in…then eat that delicious picnic you packed and get back on the road!

My Go To Picnic: A Little Bit of Everything

-Water with some electrolytes

-Burnbrae Farms EGGS2go! hard-boiled eggs and ketchup packs (please do not litter these!)


-Costco Trail mix in a zip lock

-Compost cookie (sometimes…or always)

-Candy (all-sorts, liquorice, nibs)