Jan. 25, 2022

Mama Casson: Queen of the Crustless Quiche

Products & Recipes

I may not know much, but one thing I do know for sure is that no one can out-do Mama Casson and her crustless quiches. Quiches are truly wonderful because you can make them with whatever ingredients are available at your grocery store! Use some fresh eggs or Egg Creations! Whole Egg Original, ham (or bacon, sausage, etc), add a whole lot of cheese and you’ve got yourself a tasty and nutritious dish! No matter the season - spring, summer, fall or winter - a quiche for breakfast or brunch is guaranteed to be the centerpiece of your lazy Sunday morning breakfast, or compliment anything else you serve alongside it, such as toast, bagels, fruit salad, yogurt, bacon, sausage… you name it, quiches fit!

My mom’s crustless asparagus and ham gruyere quiche is so darn good we have it Christmas morning! It goes along perfectly with our salmon lox and mimosas! How she makes it so that the quiche can be cut in perfect pie slices (and hold its shape) is a mystery to me! Held together through the strength of love, I guess! Adding ketchup or any other condiment would be an insult. Perfect on its own, and unlikely to yield leftovers, this 6-egg dish is my all-time favourite.

Fortunately, not only is my mother a marvelous cook, she is also a lover of sharing. From the goodness of her heart, she is willing to share her special recipe with me (and you!). Naturally, as practice makes perfect, we had to do a tutorial together so she could show me step by step, how to make the perfect quiche! Trust me, the end result was as delicious as it looks.

Find the recipe below!

Mama Casson's Crustless Asparagus and Ham Gruyere Quiche Recipe

Serves: 6 (or a family of 4 hungry people)

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 35 minutes (make sure you check halfway through, every oven is different!)

Total time: 50-60 mins

Cooking Essentials:


Stove top

Medium sauté pan

Cheese grater

Cutting board

Cutting knife

Wooden spoon

Small bowl


9 inch pie dish (greased)


1 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil

8-10 spears of asparagus

3 cloves of garlic

1 cup cream, half and half

¼ tsp ground nutmeg

½ tsp salt

½ tsp black pepper

4 oz ham

1 ½ cup gruyere cheese

3 chopped scallions

6 Burnbrae Farms Omega 3, large eggs (or 1 ½ cups Burnbrae Farms Egg Creations! Whole Egg Original)


1)     Preheat oven to 350 F.

2)     Remove ends of asparagus, rinse and chop into 1 inch length pieces.

3)     Heat olive oil over pan on medium heat, add asparagus and garlic.

4)     Cook until asparagus is fully cooked, add a sprinkle of additional salt and pepper and let cool.

5)     Add eggs, half and half cream, measured salt and pepper and nutmeg to bowl and whisk.

6)     Cut ham into 1cm cubes and add ham with asparagus into pie dish.

7)     Cover with half of the grated gruyere and half of the chopped scallions.

8)     Add egg mixture over added ingredients.

9)     Cover with remaining cheese and scallions.

10)  Place in oven for 35 minutes (checking halfway) and add cook time if center remains uncooked. When fully cooked, the edged should be brown and the center should not be liquid.

11)  Let cool and enjoy!