Nov. 16, 2020

The Perfect Holiday Gift – Hens and Roosters

President's Blog
Margaret Hudson
President, Burnbrae Farms
4th Generation Farmer

I’m so excited to announce that World Vision Canada and Burnbrae Farms will once again offer Canadians the opportunity to provide families in need around the world with “hens and roosters – and eggs!” – this holiday season. Let me tell you more about this wonderful program and why it might just be the unique gift idea you’re looking for.

For the ninth year, Burnbrae Farms will match every “ Hens and Roosters ” gift purchased from World Vision’s Gift Catalogue, up to the value of $15,000. Canadians have the opportunity to purchase “hens and roosters” for families in need in one of the 50 countries that World Vision supports around the world.

The hens and roosters provide extra income and nutrition to families who receive the donation. Families receiving hens and roosters also get feed; training in animal husbandry and agricultural production; support with business practices; and education on how to properly care for and benefit from the chickens they receive.

To take part, go to the “ Hens and Roosters ” page on the World Vision website to buy your gift. You will have the choice of purchasing the $50 option, which is two hens and a rooster, or the $100 option, which buys a whole coop for the family. As the eggs are laid, the families can eat them or sell them – meaning the gift is both nourishing and helps create a sustainable income.

The average hen can provide up to 300 eggs per year, meaning the partnership has provided families around the world with approximately one million nourishing eggs to date, with the potential of another 240,000 eggs in the hands of children and families in developing countries this coming year.

Here’s where Burnbrae Farms will make your donation have even greater impact. If you purchase the gift of “Hens and Roosters” ($50) or the gift of “Help Fill A Coop” ($100), Burnbrae Farms will match that with our own donation from Burnbrae (up to $15,000). Here is the link, our offer will be live on December 1, 2002:

If you buy the hens and roosters gift online, you have the option to select a greeting card or customized e-card that you can send to a friend or loved one. You can notify your loved one about the donation. It’s a wonderful gift idea: the gift of helping others.

I’m thrilled that we are continuing this amazing partnership with World Vision. Making a difference is a top priority of Burnbrae Farms and knowing that we’ve played a role in a million eggs reaching children and their families in developing countries is incredible.

World Vision is dedicated to working with the world’s most vulnerable people regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender. Here at Burnbrae Farms, we support this platform and are so proud of this ongoing partnership.

Happy holidays to you and your family!

Margaret Hudson

President Burnbrae Farms