Royal Velvet Fizz

A light, sophisticated sip perfect for any occasion, this refreshing blend of citrus and floral notes is crowned with velvety foam and a touch of bitters.

  • Prep time: 5 min
  • Makes: 1 cocktail

Nutritional Information


1 oz Grey Goose Vodka
0.5 oz Aperol
0.25 oz Amaro Nonino
0.25 oz St-Germain Elderflower
1 oz lemon juice
0.75 oz simple syrup
1 oz Naturegg Simply Egg Whites
bitters or lemon peel


  1. Dry Shake all ingredients (without ice).

  2. Add ice and vigorously shake again.

  3. Double strain into a glass.

  4. Finish with bitters art on foam or express the oil of a lemon peel and discard.

This recipe was made with:

Naturegg Simply Egg Whites

Made from 100% pure egg whites. We mean simple.

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Tips: Baking

Angel food cakes can compress easily when slicing. The trick? Use an electric knife to slice cleanly through the tall cake.

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