26 février 2020

Can my dog and cat eat eggs? Yes!

Blogue de la présidente
Margaret Hudson
Présidente et directrice générale des Fermes Burnbrae
4e génération d'agriculteurs

My dog Brae, an adorable Bernedoodle, sits by the door in the morning waiting to see if I give the go-ahead to come to work with me.  When I say “Brae, you are not coming”, she sadly goes and hides under the dining room table.  But when I open the door and let her out she runs outside and waits by the passenger door for me to let her into the car.  She joins me at work most Fridays. Everyone loves to see her race down the hallway so that she can get treats from her friends in the Marketing department, especially these Carrot canine sticks , which are made with Naturegg Omega-3 eggs.

I love walking Brae, and it is great to go out on the farm where she can run freely off leash.  I guess she’s a true farm dog, which is fitting given the name that we chose for her. You see, Brae is Scottish for “hill.” Our great grandfather named the farm after the hill and the stream on the property, which reminded him of his home back in Scotland. And Brae is now named for the farm!

If you’re a pet lover like me, you may be in the habit of feeding your furry friend some home-cooked meals. As pet bakeries pop up across Canada and more people are searching for recipes for homemade dog food, it’s becoming commonplace to worry as much about our pets’ diet as we do about our own. At Burnbrae Farms, we often get questions about the safety of feeding eggs to dogs and cats. So, we looked into this and have some information to share!

It turns out that the same things that make eggs so healthy for humans – protein, omega-3 fat and vitamins – also provide beneficial effects for your pets. In particular, dogs and cats are carnivorous animals, and they require the high-quality protein found in animal-based foods, such as eggs. So, YES, it’s fine to feed cooked eggs to your cats and dogs.

So, what’s the best way to cook them? Pets don’t need the butter and salt, so a simple hard-boiled egg is a safe bet. You can also scramble eggs or make an omelette, but pets don’t need the other accoutrements that humans so enjoy in their omelettes.

Depending on your pet, they may love eggs, or not be a fan, and that’s okay. Dogs tend to be egg-lovers more often than cats, so don’t be discouraged if your fuzzy kitty doesn’t love omelettes as much as you do. Start by offering just a small amount and see if they take to it. And if you don’t feel like cooking at home, look for a pet food that already contains eggs (read the ingredient list to find out).

Brae is a big fan of eggs! She also loves to visit the cottage, ride in the boat, hang with our family and swim in the river with the kids. She’s often enjoys walks on the farm with her buddy Molly (Grandma and Grandpa’s Goldendoodle) not to mention my sister Helen Anne’s (Burnbrae Farm’s Director of Corporate Social Responsibility) outdoor-loving dogs Cora and Max.

See you at the dog park!

Margaret Hudson

President, Burnbrae Farms