28 juillet 2023

Maddy’s Meringue with Berries

Produits et recettes

Summer is a time for celebration, but it also happens to be my heaviest competition season. Balancing these two truths can be challenging, so when I’ve got some free time with friends and family, it’s important to make the most of it. Through my busy season, it’s crucial to let some steam out of the pot. Do something that has nothing to do with training – have a drink with friends, shoot the breeze with your family – eat dessert!

When my family gets together, we’re cooking. I love making this meringue as a super easy and light dessert. We use Burnbrae’s Naturegg Simply Egg Whites to make the process as simple as possible – no cracking required and there’s always the added bonus of not wasting the yolks! I hope you try making this for your next summer celebration.


½ cup Naturegg Simply Egg Whites

A pinch of cream of tartar

¾ cup sugar

A pinch of vanilla

Mixed berries (for topping)


1. Preheat your oven to 250°F.

2. In a large bowl, whisk the Simply Egg Whites until soft peaks have formed (this takes a minute). Add in your sugar, vanilla and cream of tartar slowly. Continue whisking until stiff peaks have formed (meaning the peaks keep their shape).

3. Spread the meringue into a round shape on a baking sheet (be sure to line the sheet with parchment paper).

4. Bake for about an hour – or until the top is golden brown.

5. Let cool and top with berries or fruit of your choice!


Maddy Kelly

800m Runner & Olympian

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