14 juillet 2020

Moove Over, it’s Cow Appreciation Day!


Burnbrae Farms is a thriving family owned poultry agribusiness. Who would have thought that the original farm had its roots from 1891 in a small family dairy farm? Well it is true! Our great grandfather, Joseph Hudson, purchased the original Lyn, Ontario farm in 1891 after immigrating a few years earlier from Scotland. Milking a herd of Ayrshire dairy cows on the farm was their bread and literally their butter for about 2.5 generations. Then when grandson, Joseph Hudson decided to go into the chicken business, the cattle were phased out in the 1960s (but not forgotten). Joseph married a young lady of Scottish origins. Turns out one of Mary’s passions was Black Angus cattle. Joseph bought her two Black Angus heifers for Christmas in 1977 (a gift on every woman’s list) and she loved it! While Joseph was busy growing his poultry business, Mary looked after her kids and her cows.

This was the rise of cows at Burnbrae Farms once more. The herd grew to 20 show quality cows and their babies. They were bred, loved, and shown over the years by Mary Hudson and her herd manager. The herd was shown at local county fairs and proudly made it all the way to the prestigious Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in Toronto.

After the untimely passing of Mary Hudson, the herd tradition was carried on by her children who were more involved in the farm management. In 2010, the Hudson family began hosting the local county beef 4H club, donating their time and farm resources to maintain the club for several years. Mary Hudson’s grandchildren participated in the club and Burnbrae travelled once again to the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. Children learn valuable life skills from participating in 4H and animal handling techniques from caring for the beef cattle. Burnbrae Farms was honoured to support this great organization.

Today at Burnbrae Farms we have a thriving Black Angus herd that is much expanded in numbers. The cows graze on pastures that create habitat for native birds. Burnbrae Farms harvests hay to feed the cattle and horses in winter when there is no grass. We appreciate what a bucolic picture they create out grazing in the fields and the happiness they gave to our mother, Mary Hudson who loved her Scottish roots and all it encapsulated!

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