9 mars 2021

The Art of Perfectly Scrambled Eggs

Blogue de la présidente
Margaret Hudson
Présidente et directrice générale des Fermes Burnbrae
4e génération d'agriculteurs

Scrambled eggs seem pretty basic, right? You whisk some eggs, add them to a buttered pan, and breakfast is ready. Oh, if only it were this simple! For someone like me who grew up around eggs, I’ve heard everything you can imagine about the do’s and don’ts of scrambling eggs perfectly – and there’s a lot to unpackage here. Runny or firm? In a pot or pan? Do you add milk? What about salt? Maybe ketchup?

Today we’ll look at how different people enjoy this quick mealtime staple, and maybe you’ll learn a few new tricks too!

Scrambled egg basics

Most home cooks (and four-star chefs) agree about the basics of scrambling eggs. Preheat a pan set over high heat. Add butter to the pan. When the butter bubbles, pour in the eggs and stir slowly with a rubber or silicon spatula. When the curds (soft lumps) form, turn the heat to low and fold the eggs until done. Serve on a warmed plate (eggs chill quickly).

Runny or firm?

Here’s where the divide begins – and there’s no right or wrong answer…just shades of eggy perfection. Some people like to stop cooking their eggs while the eggs are still runny, while others prefer a firmer result and cook until all of the egg liquid has turned solid. If you like your eggs runny, remove them from the heat a little early to account for carryover cooking.  I’m a fan of a firmer scrambled egg!

Do you add milk or cream?

Many people add milk to their eggs because they believe it will make them creamier. This time, the science is not on their side. If you like your eggs this way, continue to enjoy it – but here’s an interesting fact: adding milk or cream tends to dilute the flavour of the eggs and render them rubbery. It also takes away the lovely yellow hue and leaves a pale finished dish.

Pot or pan…or microwave?

Most people will use a skillet or pan to make their scrambled eggs – but not Chef Gordon Ramsey. He uses a pot for the best results. He finishes the eggs by taking the pot off the stove, but it’s still hot enough for the eggs to continue cooking. As for cream, he adds it once the eggs are cooked. It adds the creaminess but doesn’t dilute the flavour at this point. Purists caution against making eggs in a cast iron skillet, since the uneven surface makes eggs stick. I find that if the cast-iron pan is well-seasoned and close to non-stick, it works just fine in a pinch.

And if you have no stovetop, you certainly can make eggs in the microwave. It works best if you are making eggs for just 1-2 people. Simply whisk eggs in a microwave-safe bowl, and cook for about a minute and a half. Stir and microwave one minute more.

When do you add salt?

There are two schools of thought on this one. Some add salt at the whisking stage, long before eggs hit the heat. This makes the eggs more tender since salt denatures the protein in the eggs. Other chefs prefer to add salt after the eggs are cooked. So, which way is best? Chef Daniel Gritzer put it to the test! He added salt at different stages of the cooking process (read about it here ), and determined that the difference was very subtle – but the eggs that were salted earliest were a bit more tender. Either way – if you want to salt your eggs, it enhances the flavour.

Egg Accompaniments
What do you add to your eggs? Some like a sprinkle of herbs ( Ina Garten likes chives; Epicurious recommends basil, parsley and oregano) or a dollop of crème fraiche or truffle butter. Other will add a side of ketchup, or top eggs with a sprinkle of Parmesan, feta or Cheddar cheese. My favourite accompaniment to eggs is our very own Nanny Hudson’s Homestyle Ketchup. A family recipe that my grandmother learned to make from her mother and passed down to her children.

Some amazing recipes include additions such as sausage, bacon, vegetables or cheese. Try these Scrambled egg breakfast nachos or Scrambled eggs with polenta . And for something completely different, try these Maple scrambled egg and bacon muffins .

Bon Appetit!

Margaret Hudson

President, Burnbrae Farms