13 septembre 2023

EGG Bites! – delicious, nutritious and ready in seconds!

Produits et recettes

September is a month of new beginnings! Back to school is upon us and fall is in the air. This is true for runners as well! The summer is our most important racing season, as it’s the culmination of our season. In the fall, with major championships behind us, we take a break from training for a few weeks (to reset our bodies and minds!) and then get back into the swing of things in September and October.

This period of training is known as base season – and it’s some of the hardest training of the year! Laying a good foundation in the fall pays dividends in the spring and summer.

With heavy training comes busy schedules and a big appetite. Burnbrae’s EGG Bites! are such a help in these months. They’re quick and easy, protein-filled mini crustless quiches that are ready in just 90 seconds! They sit easily in my stomach so they’re something I can eat either before or after a workout. These are a must-have for me on a busy day – fueling properly is one of the most important aspects of training!

Maddy’s weekly (fall) training schedule

Monday: 75 minute long run with fast strides after - roughly 18 kilometres in distance

Tuesday: morning weights and elliptical, evening run - roughly 8 kilometres in distance

Wednesday: evening interval workout, with hill sprints to finish - roughly 15 kilometres in distance

Thursday: morning weights and elliptical, evening run - roughly 8 kilometres in distance

Friday: morning 60 minute easy run, evening pilates - roughly 12 kilometres in distance

Saturday: morning interval workout - roughly 15 kilometres in distance

Sunday: OFF!

Maddy Kelly

800m Runner & Olympian