9 janvier 2023

Maddy’s Leek & Gruyere Omelette Recipe

Produits et recettes

Happy new year! Athletes, just like most people, are looking to nourish their bodies with good food come January. After a season of treats, some protein and vegetables are my biggest craving. It’s all about balance!

This month, I’ve loved making leek and gruyere omelettes using Burnbrae’s EGG Creations! Whole Eggs Original. This recipe is extremely quick and easy to make – and really, you can use any combination of cheese and vegetables you like, leeks are just a personal favourite of mine. I eat this meal, with some toast and butter, for a weekend breakfast or a quick lunch during the week.

And when it comes to flipping an omelette, practice makes perfect (if you end up making scrambled eggs instead – they’ll taste just as good).


1 tbsp butter
1 leek, whites/light green thinly sliced
¼ cup shredded gruyere cheese (or cheese of choice)
½ cup of EGG Creations! Whole Eggs Original
Salt and pepper (to taste)


1. Slice and clean leeks thoroughly by rinsing them in a bowl of cold water. The dirt should drop to the bottom and the leeks will rise to the top.

2. Grate your cheese.

3. Add half of the butter to a pan (the same pan you will cook your omelette in) on medium heat. Once the pan is warm and the butter is melted, add the sliced and cleaned leeks. Cook until soft, with a bit of golden brown colour, and salt and pepper to taste.

4. Remove the leeks and set aside while you start to cook your eggs. Add the rest of the butter to the pan and pour in ½ cup of Burnbrae’s EGG Creations! If you use the Whole Eggs variety, this is roughly 16 grams of protein! Let the eggs cook a bit on the bottom while running your spatula around the edge of the pan.

5. Once the eggs have started to congeal, add the leeks and cheese before flipping the omelette. Continue to cook until done, which should be just another minute or two.


Maddy Kelly

800m Runner & Olympian